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RITEG.V2 projects

Unlike V1's JSON, the new version uses TOML which is tons more user-readable and easier to edit by someone who's not familiar with programming.

Example project

# Specify base project options;
# If a preset parameter is specified, these
# options will be merged with a separate project sub-table
author = "untodesu"
about = "Basic example"
input_mode = "disabled" # do not load images
output_mode = "disabled" # do not save images
output_resolution = [640, 480] # run at 640x480 times a scale
final_pass = "pixelize" # specify the shader pass to use for output

# The "docs" preset
output_mode = "oneshot" # save a single image
output_path = "cwd:docs/project.example.png"
output_filetype = "guess" # guess the output type by output_path

# First shader pass
name = "example"
shader = "project:shaders/example.frag"

# Second shader pass
name = "pixelize"
shader = "project:shaders/pixelize.frag"
parameters = [32.0, 32.0, 0.9, 0.9] # Up to 16 numeric values
channels = ["example"] # Up to 4 shader pass names

Basic project options

  • author specifies a project's author
  • about defines a short project description
  • final_pass specifies the shader pass which output is used for saving or displaying in the window area

Input options

  • input_mode specifies input mode. Can be: disabled, oneshot or sprintf
  • input_path specifies image path for oneshot mode
  • input_format specifies image format for sprintf mode
  • input_maxframes specifies maximum amount of frames to load for sprintf, set to probe to load until the first failure in the line

Output options

  • output_mode specifies output mode. Can be: disabled, oneshot or sprintf
  • output_path specifies image path for oneshot mode
  • output_format specifies image format for sprintf mode
  • output_maxframes specifies maximum amount of frames to load for sprintf, set to input to save as long as input also saved something
  • output_filetype specifies output filetype, available options: png, jpg or jpeg, tga and guess to guess the type from output_format
  • output_jpeg_quality specifies JPEG quality for jpg filetype. Integer value ranging from 1 to 100